If you are a Food Basics customer, you can view latest Food Basics weekly flyer on our platform and make the most of their deals. As you know, a weekly ad is published by any company to inform the customers about all the deals, offers, and discounts for the upcoming week. Customers check the flyer at the beginning of the week, see the deals related to the products they need to buy, and then make the purchase on the day when the deal is provided.

Food Basics is a Canadian brand with more than 137 stores across Ontario, all working under the company’s commitment to providing customers with more for less. They want to help customers save money on all their grocery needs, this is why you get a lot of deals and offers every day. The company consistently provides great prices even with the discounts, but if you want to save more, you can look for great deals every week, and save every day. But, discounts and offers don’t mean there’s any compromise on the products’ quality, you will get top quality, fresh products. Still, if you are not satisfied with the quality or the freshness of the products, they will refund your money. So, we don’t see any excuse for you to not get the most from their offers.

Whatever grocery products you need, you will find it there. So, you should only choose them for your grocery shopping, this way you can take advantage of the offers, and save money when purchasing different products.

The brand also has a student discount program. On every Tuesday, students are provided with a 10% discount on a number of products. But, this offer is limited to one transaction per student per day, and you can’t combine it with any other offer, also it is only offered at valid locations.

It’s not easy for a customer to just remember on which products what discount is available, so a flyer is the best option. At the start of every week, if you can access the flyer, it would save you a lot of money for the next week’s shopping. On our platform, you can see the weekly ad from the company, which is updated every week. The ad contains complete information about the brand’s offers for the whole next week. It’s the easiest way for you to determine how you want the next shopping to go, and how much money you would be saving.

Apart from groceries, you can also get gift cards. The cards are available at the stores in denominations of $25, $50, or $100. You can also get cards with larger amounts, by talking to the manager of the store. The gift card sales are final. Customers will not be provided with refunds or exchanges.

Even though you can only do shopping at the stores, and not online, there are options for you to pay other than cash. The common payment methods include cash, MasterCard, debit or Visa, and American Express credit cards and Visa. You can also pay through gift cards as well as gift certificates.

You can subscribe to E-Flyer as well. To sign up, you have to enter your name, postal code, and email, then you can check a few boxes to subscribe. The newsletter you will receive includes special offers & promotions, nutritional information, recipe ideas, and information related to their products and services.